Monday, January 19, 2009

Reality Check

Have you ever taken stock of your life and realized that this isn't what you pictured for yourself ten years ago? That's where I am today... looking around and realizing how many precious moments have slipped through my fingers while I was dreaming about tomorrow.

Anyone who knows me well would recognize that I have a tendency to dream- and dream big. I just had a conversation with a friend a few moments ago in which I had a reality check. I know everyone has a tendency to look at other people's lives and think how great they have it- how this person seems to have everything figured out- how that person over there really has their act together... I told my friend that I was wishing Clean Sweep would show up at my door and work their magic... or a cleaning crew and a large dumpster would appear... My friend proceeded to echo my sentiments listing off a battery of tasks that needed to get done in her home... and suddenly I realized that I sounded very much like one of those people gazing over the fence at someone else's life wishing for that greener grass.

The fact of the matter is that I don't believe anyone has "it all figured out"... we all have some sort of list of things we'd like to improve or accomplish... For some bizarre reason she thought I was one of those people that "had it all together." I of course corrected her, but she followed with a list of things she saw I had going for me.

I think we all have moments where we forget about our blessings in life. I am blessed to live in an amazing country where we have the freedom to worship God. I am blessed to look out my window and see the mountains every day. I am blessed to have a job in today's economy and one that I love. I am blessed to have dear friends who can lovingly call me out when I need a wake up call. I am blessed to have a roof over my head, food on the table and a vehicle that safely takes me where I need to go. I am blessed to share my life with four dogs that are always excited to see me when I come home.

This isn't the life I dreamt about in High School... but it's my life... and I'm so blessed in so many ways. Ten years from now I may be looking back thinking about all the freedom I once had... If I allowed myself to continue wishing for something different or something more I might miss the opportunities I have at this moment.

So here I am today... treasuring this moment and appreciating all that God has done in my life. Now if I could just figure out how to get Clean Sweep to show up... ; )